#Hedgehog concept
Hedgehog concept is a concept about how we can be the best at the world and sustain after crushing one crisis to another crisis. It's about how we can focus on our strenght and do this passionately and it can be an economic engine.
#Hedgehog concept
Why Hedgehog?
Let's hear a story about a cunning fox and a hedgehog. Cunning fox can strategize very well to capture his prey. But, when he faced a hedgehog, he met a challenge. When he attacked the hedgehog, hedgehog rolled himself and made a spiny ball.
The fox replot the plan to capture the hedgehog. In other side, the hedgehog still thinking simply.
When fox did his plan, the hedgehog did again what he did last time. Then, the fox failed again.
The fox reploted again and tried again many times, but he failed continuously.
"The fox knows many things, But the hedgehog knows a big hing and continuously."
Success is compilation of focus on the strength, passion, and economic engine.
#Hedgehog concept
1. Passion
It's about Passion, not about must do some things....
if we can do our job passionately, we can do our job optimally and gladly.
if we can make Allah as a reason to make our passion, what a lucky people we are.
If we can't, make our passion results as prooves of our faith to Allah.
#Hedgehog concept
2. What is yout potential and focus?
Can we be the best at something?
If we want to be the best at something, we must know what is our potential, focus, experience or talents. Let's call it 'Resources'. we must manage our resources wisely.
But, we usually don't know what is our true potential or talent. but we can trace it if we do our best when we do something.
So just do something which you thought right with your best.
Let's improve our capability, skill, knowledge, and attitude.
Do your best when you do positive thing : mujahadah....
#Hedgehog concept
3. Economic Engine
If we want to sustain and walk on our own foot, economic engine is a must.
we must have a skill dan resources which can produce money.
If we want to change some thing, if we want to live, if we want to contribute to Islam society, we need money.
But, money isn't a destination, but money is necessary.
#Hedgehog concept
overlapping between economic engine, passion, and what you can be the best at...
But I think, we miss 1 thing,The thing which make us peaceful.
That thing is powerful ruhiyah....
#Hedgehog concept
credit to Jim Collins,
from 'Good to Great' Book......
Hmm, masih dalam perjalanan Limau~Bandung...
Akhirnya, kalau kita membaca buku apapun....
seinspiratif apapun....
tapi yg menjadi inspirasi utama tetap ideologi Islam...
inilah ideologi yg mengakar.
Hedgehog concept yang telah dilakukan oleh Rasulullah Shalallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam adalah fokus pada perbaikan akhlaq dan peradaban.
beliau tahu potensi~potensi luar biasa dari para shohabat (setiap sahabat punya peluang untuk terbaik di bidangnya).
beliau pun dapat membuat para sahabat untuk passion dalam setiap kegiatan jihad dan pengamalan.
beliau pun dapat membuat basis ekonomi yang kuat di madinah.
semua itu dilandasi dengan ideologi Islam yang kuat dan mengakar.
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